Friday, November 14, 2008

never felt better!

let me introduce you to the feltmaker's dream machine - the wonder washer. a neat little unit that sits on your counter and whirls away felting the heck out of knitted wool. i acquired this little number several years ago when i discovered that my expensive, 'had to have' (it is environmentally friendly) front loader would not allow me to felt! argh!

after putting the hit on my friends for the use of their top loaders, i stumbled upon the wanda at one of the lys, swishing a felted hat. eureka! i had hit the mother lode! i couldn't get home fast enough and hit the net to order one of these for myself! and i'm mighty glad i did as it works like a charm - a couple of 15 minute rounds and voila, felting ecstasy!

i found a great pattern for a labyrinth carpetbag in the ik holiday gifts 2008. i raided my wool leftovers and put together side a
and side b.
an extremely quick knit (i guess it might only have been a quick knit because i have been obsessed with it and have done nothing else!) so, after coffee this morning i abandoned all other tasks and fired up wanda, the wonder!
i filled up the bucket with hot water and a little detergent and stuffed in the bag!
turned the dial to 15 minutes and let 'er rip!
this is the bag submerged in the water...

and here is the bag agitating, like a whirling dervish!

after a couple of go rounds - tada, the felted bag stuffed with plastic bags (thank goodness i haven't recycled them lately but, my, oh my, they seem to multiple way too easily!). the pattern recommended a dandy set of handles. i googled the brand listed and was astonished to find that they were pushin' $40 a pair!! ouch! so, i think i'll check out the goodwill for a handbag and recycle and reuse an old set!

a win-win all the way around! using up some stash while creating a new project bag! and above all, getting to play with wanda again!! :-)

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