Saturday, November 28, 2009

enough is enough!

exactly when is enough enough?
that's what i'm pondering at this point!
recently, you'll know if you've been paying attention, i've been taking on knitting projects that have involved multiple repetitions of the same pattern.
here's the latest - the "ishbel" scarf by ysolda, a lovely young woman i'm sure has a great
future ahead of her as a designer. she really has her act together.
this pattern really blows my hair back! and this yarn, blue moon fiber arts silkie is delicious!! just delicious!
so... i zip through #1, feel absolutely fabulous and empowered as i head into #2, start to feel the drag with #3, and by #4, well, it is like pulling teeth to get through that one!
so, i ask, when is enough enough?
how does one determine when one has 'hit the wall'? when one can't possibly knit one more of the same object?
i, for one, haven't quite figured that out but i know that i am really, really, really happy when i have reached the end of the assignment i have given myself. perhaps that's the problem, i need to have a chat with myself about goals and expectations!
nah, not right now! i'm too busy basking in the glow of bustin' my stash!!
yahoo, buckaroo!!

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