Friday, June 19, 2009

go figure!

"wisdom comes alone through suffering."

sometimes little pearls of wisdom just seem to drop out of the sky! the above just happened to roll by me this morning and i must say, it sure hit the spot today!! my knitting and i have been suffering but i have to agree that i am learning throughout this process and project. 

i am knitting a sleeveless summer top with yarn from my stash (using stash in itself is a miracle!!). one would think that a sleeveless summer top would be a 'quickie' but, alas, it doesn't seem to be the case - it seems to be one step forward and two steps back, as in froggin'!

once again, my lack of attention has caused me grief! maybe i will learn to double check each and every row when knitting a lace pattern rather than every several inches - it would make life much simpler and i would get more knitting done! 

i've also learned that it isn't easy and rarely works to attempt to correct an unintended error by picking your way down only a couple of stitches for a number of rows!! if you find an error in plain, ol' stockinette stitch, it is pretty easy to accomplish this but with a lace pattern - not a chance! since i have tried to do this repeatedly on this top without success, hence the froggin', i hope this is another lesson i'll add to the ol' memory bank! well, at least until next time!!

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